November 28, 2020

Intro to USACO Webinar

CPI held an Introduction to USACO Webinar on November 28th, from 5-5:40pm PST! We discussed what USACO is, why you should do it, and how to get better at USACO!


During the webinar, experienced USACO contestants will explain everything you need to know about getting started with USACO.

  • Introduction
  • What is USACO?
  • Why should you do USACO?
    • USACO in College Admissions
    • USACO in Job Interviews
  • How do you get started with USACO?
  • The USACO Guide
  • CPI Classes
  • Open Q&A

Meet the speakers

This webinar will be hosted by top USACO contestants and USACO Finalists, with ample experience in competitive programming.

  • Nathan Wang

    Nathan Wang

    2x USACO Finalist

  • Daniel Guan

    Daniel Guan

    USACO Finalist

  • Darren Yao

    Darren Yao

    Author of An Introduction to USACO

  • Michael Cao

    Michael Cao

  • Andrew Wang

    Andrew Wang

Our Story

Why do USACO?

Participating in USACO is an excellent way for you to meet the best CS students across the country, build friendships, and kickstart your CS career.

USACO alumni are prevalent in both academia and industry, and have gone on to create amazing companies such as Quora. Unfortunately, not many students are aware of or participate in USACO.

That's where we come in! The Competitive Programming Initiative is a nonprofit organization run by top USACO competitors that aims to increase awareness and participation in USACO. Our team members include past USACO Finalists and IOI participants.

We hope you'll join us to learn more about USACO and why it can be a good choice for you!